Divorce is one of the biggest and most expensive life transitions you will ever go through.

Face it -- divorce can feel overwhelming! You've got lots to learn and tons of decisions to make. All while you might be feeling abandoned, scared, guilty and just plain sad. Nobody teaches us how to get divorced -- it’s not like we take "Divorce Ed" in school! That is why I created Landing On Your Feet to provide you with the legal information and support that you need.

  • Get organized and know what to expect

    One of the things you need for any divorce is a budget and a list of everything you own and what you owe. This can be intimidating to put together. I'll take you through, step by step. And will even review your work!

  • Understand the legal framework

    What's important in real life isn't always the same as what's important in the law. For instance, the law doesn't care much about who wanted the divorce, or even who is at fault. This course will help you focus on what matters most in the legal context.

  • Negotiate Better

    It can be hard to know when to give and take in divorce negotiations. And sometimes we lose sight of the forest for the trees. I'll help you create guides so you can stay focused on what really matters -- and get results.



You are not just transitioning your family from one household to two. You have to restructure everything – your finances, your furniture, and your kids’ schedules. And that’s just on the surface! It goes much deeper – you are also restructuring your expectations of yourself and your spouse. You may be reflecting on the past while you are planning for an unknown future.

Let’s face it – divorce can be unpredictable - and, at times, overwhelming.

LANDING ON YOUR FEET gives you the basic legal information you need to work better with your lawyer.

  • You can talk to your friends who’ve been divorced but their situation might be nothing like yours.

  • You can do research on the internet but most posts have snippets of information, nothing in depth.

  • You can read a book, but then there is not one to ask questions of.

  • You can hire (and often should) lawyer or mediator – but you’ll be paying them by the hour to educate you about the law.

Landing On Your Feet

A Compassionate Lawyer's Guide to Divorce

This is a self-paced online coaching program that will take you from feeling overwhelmed and scared to being knowledgeable, well-organized and confident as you negotiate your divorce in 8 weeks... so you can land on your feet and start your new life.

For $500 -- about the price of one hour of legal fees -- you will...

  • Understand the basics of alimony, property division, child support and parenting plans.

  • Enjoy the support of an experienced divorce attorney and others who are going through what you are.

  • Know how to work with your lawyer – and what questions to ask - so you can save money on legal fees.

  • Avoid the pitfalls that we all can get into when tangled up in conflict.

Landing On Your Feet - A Compassionate Lawyer's Guide to Divorce

What's different about this course?

  • Different Learning Styles

    We all have different ways of learning. Each module has video lessons, information pages and worksheets for you to fill out. And the video lessons are available on a private podcast, so you can listen to them on the go!

  • You will leave prepared! With a ...

    Monthly budget - so you know what you live on, List of assets and debts - to help with property division, clear idea of the children's expenses, parenting time worksheet, and much, much more.

  • We'll work together in an inclusive, supportive and accessible atmosphere.

    Watch the videos or listen to the podcast on your own time. Each module has homework. Email it to me within 2 months of enrolling and I'll give you feedback.

Are you ready to start your journey?

LANDING ON YOUR FEET gives you the basic legal information you need to work better with your lawyer, to know what facts are important for your lawyer to know, and to know what questions to ask. All of these things will help you save $ on legal fees. I’m a compassionate divorce lawyer who speaks English (not just legalese) and I’m here to help.

Who is Joy Rosenthal?

I didn’t start out wanting to be a lawyer. In fact, I was SURE that it wasn’t for me. But I changed my mind about 30 years ago, when I realized that I could use the law to help children and families. I spent 10 years representing children in family court and I was struck by how loyal and kind children were to their family members – and how kids had such a strong sense of fairness, caring, and forgiveness. When I started my own law firm in 2006, I realized that being a compassionate lawyer and mediator for parents would help their children, too. So that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. I also teach family law at the CUNY School of Law – and realized that my divorce mediation clients all needed the same legal information I was teaching my law students. I looked around, and no one had designed a class like that -- so I designed this myself. For YOU.

What Past Students Have Said ...

“Divorce seemed like an insurmountable life change. Joy’s course helped make all the details more manageable. Divorce still isn’t easy but the class helped me shed the feeling of being stuck as the victim and instead feel empowered to do the work to move forward on my own terms. ”


“Having someone walk you through each step makes the whole process less intimidating and more approachable.”


“Finding Joy Rosenthal was a gift from heaven because knowledge is power. Joy is very conscientious, she follows through on promises, supplies material, and works hard to explain the process. It is the most important course you can take if faced with a divorce and are not a lawyer yourself. I can talk to my divorce lawyer with knowledge and not waste money.”


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome message

    2. Confidential Client Information Form - fill our before our first meeting.

    3. Course plan

    4. Homework!

    5. The Legal System 101

    6. About Joy S Rosenthal

    1. Setting yourself up : getting ready for divorce (video)

    2. The 5 divorces

    3. Mission vision and values

    4. gathering financial info hw

    5. Creating a budget

    1. Spousal Support 1

    2. Spousal Support 2

    3. Spousal Support 3

    4. Using the RLM NYS Alimony calculator

    1. Property 1 - Introduction

    2. Property 2

    3. Property 3

    4. Property 4

    5. What about the House?

    1. Child Support 1 - Important Concepts

    2. What Counts as Income?

    3. Basics and Add-On Expenses

    4. Deviating from the Child Support Guidelines

    5. Modifying and Enforcing Your Child Support Agreement

    6. The New York State Child Support Standards Act - explained

    7. How to use the NYS maintenance and support calculator

    8. Child Support laws - by state

About this course

  • $500.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Take hold of your divorce process, starting today