Getting divorced is HARD!

Nobody teaches us how to get divorced — it’s not like we take "Divorce Ed" in school!

Getting divorced involves making many decisions. You might be focused on the WHAT questions now, such as: — Where will I live? — Will I have enough money to live on? — Will I have to pay alimony? — Child support? — Can I move out of the house?

I'm Getting Divorced - What Are My Options?

Mediation — Collaborative law — Negotiated settlement — Uncontested divorce — Contested divorce

And they are exactly the kinds of things you will sort out once you are in the divorce process. But first you have to figure out HOW you and your spouse will address those questions. — The process you use will affect your experience of the divorce itself – and may affect the outcome! — This free mini-course gives you a peek into each of the different choices, as well as their pros and cons, to help you make that decision.

And the best part....

The course is free!

Absolutely no strings attached. So what do you have to lose?

Who is Joy Rosenthal?

I didn’t start out wanting to be a lawyer. In fact, I was SURE that it wasn’t for me. But I changed my mind about 30 years ago, when I realized that I could use the law to help children and families. I spent 10 years representing children in family court and I was struck by how loyal and kind children were to their family members – and how kids had such a strong sense of fairness, caring, and forgiveness. When I started my own law firm in 2006, I realized that being a compassionate lawyer and mediator for parents would help their children, too. So that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.

What Past Students Have Said ...

“Divorce seemed like an insurmountable life change. Joy’s course helped make all the details more manageable. Divorce still isn’t easy but the class helped me shed the feeling of being stuck as the victim and instead feel empowered to do the work to move forward on my own terms. ”


“Having someone walk you through each step makes the whole process less intimidating and more approachable.”


“Finding Joy Rosenthal was a gift from heaven because knowledge is power. Joy is very conscientious, she follows through on promises, supplies material, and works hard to explain the process. It is the most important course you can take if faced with a divorce and are not a lawyer yourself. I can talk to my divorce lawyer with knowledge and not waste money.”


Course outline

    1. Welcome!

    2. Who is Joy?

    3. Setting yourself up: getting ready for divorce (video)

    1. Overview: Alternative Dispute Resolution compared to the Law

    2. Mediation

    3. Collaborative Process

    4. Litigation / Negotiated Settlement

    5. Using Neutral Professionals

    1. Which Process Seems Right for You?

    2. Course Evaluation

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content